time flies so far when we were on mood..
when we were happy..
when we were enjoy every moment..
when we wanna stay more longer..
when bla bla bla bla..
it had been a happy moment for me since this few days..
because during these few days, i gather with my besties..
it had been a long time since we gather for last time.. :D
feel glad n pleased.. :D
but it's very hard to gather all of us (LQ 7)
miss u alot..
wondering when we will gather with completely..
but i believe, there still got a chance..
Gampatte for our future..
incomplete members of LQ 7..
time flies so far
let it be
u said that i never let u know what i want so u will never know..
what i want? i dont know what i want exactly..
i didnt expect too much..
didnt expect what can u do and give to me..
didnt expect anything..
are u believe that?
enough... i think it's enough..
i'm tired..
just let it be..
just pass this to the time.. let time arranges all the things..
that's will be better, i think..
u said that u didnt expect to much from me..
just let it be too..
let time arranged..
but now, u expect more and more..
u want to expect more and more...
dont want to know anymore...
just let it be..
maybe, i'm the one who cant give u anything..
"black Sheep"
another irresponsibility case again..
and unfortunately i became a "black sheep" again and again..
it had happened many times.. and i got blame..
i dislike "her" attitude and her way on settlement a problem..
when she met some problem, all she does was finding me, me, and me..
not only me i think, the others had been too..
but "she" didnt ever realized her attitude..
time by time, i'm used to be "black sheep"
dont want to comment anything..
just do my part and my job..
in my past, i always do.. really do..keep blaming myself if i can't reach somethings that i had put it on my targets
keep blaming myself if i can't doing well somethings
keep blaming myself of my imperfection
but now, i still will n i hope i wont again.. =))
i must thanks to my manager, i think.. :D
he taught me a lot..
he ever told me : if u had put all the effort on somethings and unfortunately it was failed,
dont blame yourself.. because u are not meant to blame.. why? because u had put all of ur effort..
take it easy.. the one should be blamed is the "EVENT"..
why? because the EVENT had failed.. Not u who failed.. it not cause by u.. although it's in ur case..
since u had playing hard on this Event, and if the Event was failed, take it as ur experience..
because of failure make u know how it's feeling..make u know which part had failed..
so u will learn about it.. right??
when i heard it, i felt better..
thanks.. i know he was meant to comfort me.. =))
♥ 心如工画师,能画诸世间。
“披毛”指的是披上畜生的毛发--- 沦落畜生道的意思。

time to face it
yeach.. it's time to face it.. to face the reality..
when i started to cherish what i have, i feel very grateful and realized that actually happiness is very simple..
i'll demand less.. what i have now is very wonderful..
thanks God.. i wont envy to others anymore..
thanks for letting me know, that U had plan all the things for me..
the awesome planning.. thanks..
i wonder why.. why as a human being, we dont ever satisfied with what we had..
maybe this is one of human being's nature..
close ur eyes.. realized all the things, the person around u..
ooh.. life is very wonderful.. :D
lalalalallalalallalalalallala.... :-"
dont defeat with ur bad life.. actually there's no worst life on ur life..
it's about what do u think and what is ur mindset about ur life..
being optimist.. being positive.. ^^
i do believe that our body and our mind had a magnet..
a magnet that may suck in what on our mind..
when we think about the bad things, unfortunately, that bad things will suck in our life..
we will become more sensitive, stubborn..
after that, our mood will influence with what we thought..
finally, that bad things will always cover us wherever we go..
i do believe it..
So, never ever had a bad thought..
being an optimist person... :D
what is jealousy??
is it jealousy a part of love??
YES, because u'll never get jealous if u don't care and if that person is not special..
NO, because jealousy is an emotion experienced when a person is threatened by the loss of an important relation with another person..
So what do you think about it?
when u hear from your girls' or boy friends that he/she is getting jealous with u..
will u feel happy because he/she is caring about u??
or will u get upset because he/she didnt believe in u??
jealousy is a part of love i think.. because of love.. love her/him then start afraid to loss her/him..
jealousy is a good thing, but unreasonably too much of it is bad..
jealousy will make one relation because weak or strong..
if u can get it through, u will see a rainbow..
but if u can't get it through, u will see a rainy day..
good luck boys and girls..
hoping all of u and me will see a beautiful rainbow.. :D
it's u
it's u..
the person who appeared when i need
it's u..
the person who knew a little secret about me when i didnt tell to anyone
it's u..
the person who knew me, when i missing my way
it's u..
the person who knew me, when i didnt understand myself at all
it's u..
the person who really appeared when my mind thought about
it's u..
the person who sending by God to me?
it's u..
the person who replying by God to me?
is it really u???
suddenly because of one matter, made my mood ruined..
huuuaaaaa T_T
feeling a bit sad.. Y.Y
i know first step is very hard to achieved..
but everytime i started to make a first step, it's always fail..
i'm sick with this failure.. @@
always come something that block my way..
okay2.. okay2.. it's all right.. back it up XIN AI... ^^
there's only a small case, small matter..
there were no one success without any failure.. right??
this will be my priceless experience..
hope this experience will never replay anymore..
okay.. forget it.. although a little bit difficult for me..
pretending that nothing had happened.. :D
smile outside although crying inside..
back it up.............!!!!
weekend is the best thing for all of us who working and studying, right?
with weekend, we can spend our time to take a rest and refreshing..
looking forward for today..
hoping today will be a exciting day..
feel relaxed when i woke up this morning..
i had slept almost for 10 hours... WAKKAKAKA..
lalallalalaallalalalalala....... feel powerful now.. =))
weekend... hmmm.. although nothing special with it, but i like it.. ;D
although didnt had any plan where i gonna spend my weekend..
although i must doing a laundry today and must cleaning up my toilet.. x_x
but never mind.. back it up... ^^
wish all of u have an awesome weekend.. :D
Hello.. Morning world...
feel blessed today.. on my way to office, i saw a little girl about 3 years old walking on the street without wearing any shoes.. x_x feel sorry to her.. so pity... T_T
i'm feeling so blessed now and sure i will cherish what i had now..
hoping and praying for that girl too.. hope her life will be better.. life is very hard.. u must go through..
saying about "Cherish".. it is a hard things, i think..
maybe we wont know how to cherish until what we had were missing... x_x
i'm the person who didnt know about cherish.. * maybe..
so, from now on........... i will cherish all the things.. try to be the best to others..
cherish all i had and all i havent have yet.. =))
wishing my life will go smoothly..
but, we cant see a rainbow without any rainy day.. right?
so, life must has any challenge, and we must go through.. the the victory will be ours..
we cant avoid problems.. all we can do are be brave and face it.. GAMPAATTEEE...
hahahhaahaha... thinking i'm talking a lot of shit.. =))
LAST.. Let's fight for this life... Cherish for this life..
JIA YO....
Life will be hard if we keep sighing on..
it had been a bored day since this few days ago... @@
felt nothing to do..
because i had finished all of my job, my invoices, etc..
my busy time will be at 29, 30, 31, 1, 2, ==> making sales' report
3, 4, 5, ==> making cash's report and salaries' report
6, 7, 8, 9 ==> making monthly's report
10, 11, 12, 13 ==> counting invoice and settle payment..
so from 14th until 28th, it can count as a free time for me..
if i dont have any extra works..
because all of my duty, is not fix..
i can be very very very busy if someone throw a job to me.. @@
free time at here is not like i'm doing nothing at office..
i still must do some daily work or duty..
but it dont very busy..
sometimes, i feel enjoy with my job
but sometimes, it make me feel bored and dislike..
it is a normal feeling?
i tend to like this job.. because when i said to myself that stop sighing and stop complaining about this job,
actually this job can be a good job too.. i can be enjoy too..
but what i dislike is, when the problems occurred, i will got the blame..
although it isnt my wrong..
but i'm used to this condition soon..
every working place will have a problems, right??? * according to my friends..
i didnt know because i hadnt changed any job before..
this is my 1st job until now.. :D
all i knew is, i must doing my part of job.. my duty, and never breaks the rules.. =))
nothing to do.. hooaamm... make me feel sleepy.. =))
hahahhahaa.. sssttt...
spend a lot of time today to browsing.. :D
that's great.. but make me feel bored..@@
what is happiness??
Mahatma Gandhi
Ayn Rand
Wayne Dyer
William H. Sheldon
Robert Ingersoll
George Sheehan
Oscar Levant
Margaret Lee Runbeck
Denis Waitley
after a few days published some post, finally i decided to let others know about my blog..
it didnt wrong i think, to let others know about what i'm thinking about.. =))
from know, i will share with all of you a little story about my life, about my mindset then..
i'll publish some post related to my condition and of course when i have enough time.. =))
i just realized that actually making a blog and write down all of our heart's words are very exciting things..
feel no burden..
dont need to think about others' feeling..
just split it out..
our part
is it very difficult to find our part of life?
hmm.. maybe..look at me.. i havent found it yet.. T___T
but once u had found it, make sure that he/she is your last decision.. be faithful.. :D
does age really important to make an one relationship???
i dont know.. =))
maybe the effect is not now, but in future...*According to my Manager.. =))
he said, it is better to have a boyfriend or husband that older me four or six years..
because with like that, our emotion will different and that boy will always dotes on us and will be more mature..
that's his mindset..
according to me, it doesnt matter..
wakakkakaa.. as long as i'm happy... right?
loving is a simple matter.. but being together and life together will be the matter..
"xiang ai rong yi, xiang zhu nan" =))
Getting Far and Far
didnt know why...
why we are getting far and far..
maybe we are from different world i think..
how to drag this distance.. @@
maybe i'm hoping too perfect..
but at least it goes to standard..
maybe at my eyes, "its" havent reached a standard line..
but maybe for others, "its" already the best ever...
really need someone to advice me how to do and his/her advise is the best decision and i wont regret someday..
i try to build a big wall to block my heart from anyone that want to stole my heart.. =))
maybe i'm afraid of getting hurt..
that's normal right? hehehehe.. :D
but, sometime i'm feeling very tired..
sometimes i just want to follow my heart, dont want to think about my head's words..
but it cant... once my heart's word appear, my head's words will appear too..
that's me...
I'm afraid to make a first step.. first step is the difficult one..
Last.. i'm waiting for my MR. RIGHT.. i didnt know is he appear in front of me or not..
i really hope that can quickly meet and together with him.. =))
dear God, if he really my Mr. Right, make us together and drag all the distance..
but if he isn't, i dont want to waste my time..
throw him as far as U can.. =))
i think everyone will have a dilemma when they met a problem and must chose between two object..
if u choose A, u will be afraid of the consequences that may come..
but if didnt choose, u would regret someday.. @@
better keep it and let time prove all the things, right?
dont want to think too much again..
tired of this..
sometime, i envy the others..
why can they have such a good bla bla bla and i cant..
but that only my simple thought..
wakkakkakaka... =))
then i aware that envy is a bad thought.. :D
just live who i am... who i gonna be...
maybe at outside, there were someone that envy to me too.. =)) *dreaming...
anyway, i dont care too much... :D
My First Post