hmm.. finally i may enjoy the life that going out in the morning and backed home in the evening..
life's good now..
i spent entire night with watching..
i had finished my "Ring Ring Bell / 真心請按兩次鈴" taiwanese series movies..
this movie roles by Peter ho and Janine Zhang..
it was a nice movie i think.. such a touch one.. i cried a lot.. wakakakkakaka..
and there's had a cute girl's name Dou Dou.. she is very adorable..
then i also had finished "Sunny Happiness / 幸福最晴天"
this movie roles by Mike He and Janine Zhang..
actually i havent finished its..
i just started from Episode 1, 2, and jumped to last episode (15)..

so, i may count it as finished..
it didnt mean that film is not good...
its a nice movie too..
but, i cant spend my whole time with watching..
wasting my time..
yupz.. i must fill my holiday with a lot of activities.. i dont know..
maybe i shall finished my task about thesis ..
yupz.. i shall..
last, i was planning for learning to bake some cakes..
and fortunately, my friend is willing to teach me..
horee... looking forward through it..
nice holiday friends..
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