i just having some chat with my best friend initial ZLF..
we were chatting about something we called "Love"..
Love may make us feel good like heavenly and worst like the hell..
have u ever been loved??
to love someone, we need a lot of courage..
and to jump into a relation, we need a lot of confidence..
and for us, 1st step is very hard to begin..
so we are still on the zero step after a few years..
talking about love..
to love and to be loved is very important..
without these, our relation wont be long-lasting..
maybe we cant walk out from the last relation's experience..
all of us were afraid of being hurt and to hurt the others..
thus, we cant cover ourself to walk out from this fearness..
sometimes, we were envy with others..
why do the others get easier to jump into one relation and we cant?
why do we confuse too much before trying?
maybe because we are two minded..
heart minded and head minded..
and the winner always be head minded..
thus, we lost confidence.. because head minded always thinks about the consequence of failure..
sometimes, we just want someone. Someone we can call as our own.
to dote on him and to protect him..
isnt it nice??
to love and to be loved, we need to accept him/her with all his/her weakness..
and unfortunately, we are not ready yet for this..
and unfortunately, we are not ready yet for this..
before we can do it, we wont jumping in any relation..
just hope that all of us may walk out from the past and be confidence with ourself...
jia you jia you jia you....
kyaaaa~ \^o^/

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